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 Vic Historic Titles 6/7 April 2013

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john Posted - 10 Oct 2012 : 09:10:51 AM
Dates have been set.
6 / 7 April 2013 at Broadford.
Supp regs will be listed here when completed
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 13 Oct 2012 : 2:20:20 PM
P6 are not missing out because of paranoia.

The management committees have provided for them to race with Pre moderns at Modern race events where there has been a shortage of racers.

Simply put they are covered for the time being.
acotrel Posted - 13 Oct 2012 : 07:51:30 AM
Many years ago a motion was passed through HMRAV that the club would not support racing of bikes made after 1962. This stuff happened with period 5 - nothing seems to ever change. If period 6 superbikes were limited to 750cc and allowed to run with period 5 unlimited, the world wouldn't end. As far as the two strokes are concerned, most period 6 two strokes were 250cc, and won't be much faster than a 70s TZ350.
I suggest it is essential to try to accomodate more bikes in historic racing. Most of the current grids are not full, and to miss out on getting new guys into the sport because of simple paranoia is stupid.
Doghouse Dave Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 11:18:40 AM
Yep true but I still think they need to form a club.
john Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 11:00:34 AM
I dont think P6 race based events need to try and pull P4 and P5 machines, I think there may be plenty of stuff in the 1983 -2000 eras. Currently they race with Preston and Hartwell, and perhaps if Pre moderns are encouraged, as has been the case a whole now group of bikes may be racing.
Doghouse Dave Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 10:44:31 AM
Maybe the P6 and Pre Modern riders etc in VIC should form a club similar to the one in NSW and promote a meeting,running p4/p5/p6 and pre modern classes. I reckon they'd get plenty of entries to kick them off.Then they can go from there.Just an idea............MV has dates open for next year now.
john Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 10:25:38 AM
Lets deal with the nonesence first!

1 The track licence for Broadford now is 30 machines, solos and 20 sidecars.
With 35 P5 there is no room for unlimited P6. But there is some room in the smaller classes.
2 We cross enter bikes as far as we can
3 In my opinion we dont need advise from others, The HMRAV has been leaders for a long time. We pick up and generate ideas as best we can. Advise from people not involved can often be ruinious. But join the committee and see thigs as they are.

4 Withh 66 events proposed thats a big meeting.
5 As I have said for a long time, perhaps a new series sitting between 1983 and about 2000 is a betterway to go.
JasonL Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 09:07:44 AM

John as I said, we are looking at slotting P6 into existing grids initially, not creating new grids until numbers would naturally demand. This eventuality is still some time away in Victoria. There probably are some smaller / older period grids that could be combined if program space is an issue. I guess its a nice problem to have!
acotrel Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 05:26:37 AM
'We have 202 entries for the Southern Classic.
I think 35 P5 solos, about 40 sidecars.
We look like running 66 events to get everybody through.
Thus far there is just no room for them.'

To say there is no room for P6 is a nonsense ! Do you think it might be time to restructure some classes and run cross-period, so that full grids are achieved in most races ? If the track license at Broadford allows grids of forty bikes - 66X40 means that there would be 2640 bikes in total gridded up over the weekend. I wonder how many grids have less than twenty bikes each under the current circumstances ?
JasonL Posted - 11 Oct 2012 : 7:04:38 PM
The titles are still 6 months away...??
john Posted - 11 Oct 2012 : 1:53:27 PM
We have 202 entries for the Southern Classic.
I think 35 P5 solos, about 40 sidecars.
We look like running 66 events to get everybody through.
Thus far there is just no room for them.
Its always been my hope that we could build the numbers by working with the moderns and create a new series P6 to say 2000 or so that is good enough to stand on its own and draw the later machines back to the grid.
JasonL Posted - 11 Oct 2012 : 09:44:38 AM

Putting my P6 hat on as usual, since P6 is now incorporated into 16.12 and will run at this years National titles, should it not also be included at state levels? P6 numbers in Vic are modest enough so as to not unduly disrupt an already tight program (meaning, as per island Classic for example, P6 750 and 1000's were gridded with P5 unlimited B race). As I mentioned before, there are quite a few P6 125's still out there, and P6 125's and 250's could slot into similar capacity P5 grids without sticking out too much - if you look at P6 125's and 250's their styling is not wildly outside the tail end of P5 year-wise in anycase. The only other class in P6 where some numbers may come in would be the 400 4 stroke guys, of whom there are still lots running around at club level, although they'll need an education on eligibility as they tend to put later bodywork on them and so forth.
acotrel Posted - 11 Oct 2012 : 07:09:31 AM
Isn't that close to the Austin 7 meeting at Winton ?
keith campbell Posted - 10 Oct 2012 : 8:11:46 PM
bloody bewdy John, thanks for posting.

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