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 2013 Historic Titles ???

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keith campbell Posted - 10 Nov 2012 : 4:18:03 PM
I believe W.A. will host the 2013 Historic Championships next year.
Congratulations to the club.
Does anyone know when the proposed dates are?

Cheers. KC
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Allan Posted - 15 Nov 2012 : 10:10:02 AM
pse place on super front page David
David Posted - 15 Nov 2012 : 09:43:23 AM

Here is the information direct from the HCMC of WA site:

So 15th to 17th November 2013 at Barbagallo Raceway , Wanneroo.
acotrel Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 5:48:18 PM
I appreciate the competitor's concerns about travel. I couldn't imagine many from Qld going to WA. Perhaps we lose half the possible entries we might have if the championship event was always in one nice comfortable place like Mount Gambier ? It might give a bit more focus if it was always at the same place on the same weekend . We would establish friendships and decent billets, and the local club which has council support would prosper.
acotrel Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 5:38:27 PM
David, It will probably be some time before Winton Motor Raceway run another historic bike meeting. Unfortunately the only historic bike stuff is run at the Interclub, and the Austin 7 meeting. Terry O'Neill runs Pro Thunder and naked bike classes at Winton also. But I will keep you in mind - thanks for your kind offer. I will mention it to Terry and Wakefield Park,
keith campbell Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 3:31:37 PM
well and good conversation gents, but????? Does anyone know the DATES YET PLEASE?????
David Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 08:30:31 AM
Alan C,

I thought that they are the National Historic Titles and not the New South Wales/Victoria Historic Titles! This comes up every-time Western Australia (or even Tasmania and Queensland) have the Historic Titles with some whinging that they have to travel, well bad luck.

It is obvious that the club that is running the Historic Titles has been consulted and all others have the same opportunity as the club that gets them, they just need to apply.

As for promotion, I have been trying and with 450K page visits in October, and so far for November with 250K there is plenty of room for more promotion. I have asked on a number of times for clubs to supply information to go on the front page of this site for the next Historic/Classic or Post Classic event and you know how many takers there has been? Oh that's right look at the front page, not even Winton have taken the offer up.

If the bodies of the sport and clubs are not getting involved, then why would their members give a rats behind. This site has been trying to promote the sport for more than 10 years now.
acotrel Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 08:13:44 AM
Perhaps we should have a permanent venue for the motorcycle historic championships at either Mallala, or Mount Gambier? It wouldn't be halfway between the west and the east, but it wouldn't be so painful. And we could all work with the local club to make the meetings superb, and TELEVISED.
acotrel Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 07:49:09 AM
I am not saying the championships should not be supported. It is essential for the growth of our sport that they are . However the last championships were in Tasmania - not really a population centre, and not so easy to get to for supporters. They were not televised or widely promoted. For growth to occur, a critical mass of entrants and spectators must be achieved. Most of our historic racing events are usually well kept secrets. I know very well that when the championships are held at Wanneroo, they will be excellent. But where is the plan for the future? My feeling is that motorcycle historic racing should be bigger than Ben Hur. I am critical of MA - 'What's the plan man' ? And who is being consulted ?
Jerry Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 05:36:17 AM
Good on you young Mr. Warner. Will be at the Champs. if they will have us. All the best Jerry
Alan Posted - 13 Nov 2012 : 7:53:18 PM
Alan instead of being so negative why dont you talk to the guys that came over the last three times and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As Jerry said this is a friendly state, the track is always in good condition even if it doesnt have many turns. WA has hosted the Nationals three times in the past and apart from a problem in 1998 regarding the Period 3 brake rule which was an instruction from MA each has been a very good event.
You could consider the guys from WA who travel every year to the Nationals where ever they are held as well as supporting the Island Classic and the Southern Classic along with some of the State Championships.
When was the last time you actually put a race entry in? Maybe you could rectify that by starting to save your pennies and coming over next year and see if your criticism is justified. Wow now there is a thought, tell you what you make your way here and I will personally pay your entry fee and I can promise you it wont be anything like the debacle that Winton was.

Alan Sidecar 21 WA
Jerry Posted - 13 Nov 2012 : 1:53:03 PM
Alan, You are right in what you say money wise but WA has one of the most racer friendly clubs in Australia and they deserve our attendance. All the best Jerry
acotrel Posted - 13 Nov 2012 : 07:25:05 AM
That should be easy to get to for the majority of historic racers in Australia. It is sort of like when MA ran the superbikes in Darwin with the following round in Tasmania, then wondered why FX at Eastern Creek suddenly became more popular. It is economically smart too. 200 entries from the east plus support crew times about $4000 is nearly $1 mil going to the richest state, and leaving the historic racing fraternity in the east. Three entries plus crew from WA going east times $4000 is about $12000 leaving the richest state. But MA bureaucrats don't have to worry about that, they've all got cushy well-paying jobs.

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