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 Come N Try Day Broadford Dec 2nd

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Doghouse Dave Posted - 19 Nov 2012 : 10:01:47 PM

We the members and committee of the Historic Motorcycle Racing Club of Victoria (HMRAV) would like to formally invite all comers to our Come n try day at Broadford Road Race Circuit on Sunday 2nd December.
This is an informal day of having a go around the Broadford road racing circuit here's some details:
Date: Sunday December 2nd
Time: 9am onwards we normally finish about 3pm or so.

Cost: $80 pre paid $100 on the day. You will have to sign up for a day licence which is compulsory and supplied free of charge by Motorcycling Victoria. You don’t have to be a member of an affiliated club to ride on the day
Dress: We would prefer full leathers or attached pants and jacket but a sturdy leather jacket Kevlar jeans, boots and gloves is ok. It is not a race or practice day. Approved helmet and eye protection is required also.
Pit Sheds: Free, but first in best dressed.
Bikes: All welcome. Older the better! Your bike will be checked to make sure its track worthy. Tyres. Brakes, oil leaks and general condition will be inspected.
This is not a budget ride day but a come and try day, we don't want to see people out to set lap records etc. Anyone riding above their limits or too fast will be pulled off the track, after all it’s a fun day and we don't want anyone getting hurt. Beginners and newcomers will be escorted around the track by an experienced racer on their first session who will help them out with advice etc.
The older the bike the better after all we are a historic racing club!
We will have lots of 20 minute sessions during the day for: Beginners, Road Bikes, Race Bikes and Sidecars
We may need a hand to run the day as well so if anyone wants to help they can make themselves known at the pit office. We may be a bit short of officials on the day.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JasonL Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 7:02:54 PM

Alan it is a regular event and is now on twice a year. If you had looked on HMRAV website and I dare say MV website you would have had close to 12 months notice.
acotrel Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 06:52:12 AM
Interesting, but I still have work to do on the bike. A bit more notice in future would be good, better if this was a regular scheduled event.
Good luck, hope you get a lot of takers. Your stated preference for historic bikes is very nice. The bigger our sport gets, the better.

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