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acotrel Posted - 12 Jan 2013 : 02:08:32 AM
On the UK CMRC forum every contributor is required to use their real name. Perhaps our sport would benefit if proceedings were carried on at a more personal level ?
Who is 'Doghouse Dave' ?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 18 Jan 2013 : 7:24:07 PM
Doghouse is the VP of the HMRAV
Allan Posted - 16 Jan 2013 : 10:56:07 AM
Well, wot can I say about the vidio clip..
"how" true are his words..
Make's me think how many now aday have built up their own classic racer or p/c machine from scratch in their back yard..
My first race bike,a ridgit 1949 cast iron T100 built in the wood shed, remember when we all cut wood for the fires, woodstove and even the wood chip heater for the bath once a week ..yet shower wot was that..
You go and buy a spanner for a whitworth bolt, you say to the man in the hardware store 'hey' I want a ring spanner for a whitworth 3/8 bolt and he would ask "do you want whitworth or BSW"
Gee sh1t wots the differance I had asked!!
so back home on the "Malvern Star" got the bolt and back I go..
Then the shop bloke explanes the differance..
If you look at your old early whitworth spanners you may see them marked
5/16 - 3/8 wot the bloody hell is going on..let alone cycle thread,
BSF,SAE now UNC/UNF,metric EU or Jap ?.
Then in the 70's modern stuff, yep the stuff up pom's finished up building motorcycles with both whitworth and SAE too keep those smart **** Yank's happy.
The point was Flat or Phillips head screw drivers how many of u called them "star" drivers
Allen key Imperal or metric hey wots Imperal? sh1t as a 14 year old kid wot did we know..Remember pushing that old hand powered grass cutter so "mum" would give you 5 bob, and the spanner cost 5 penny more.. Sh1t wait for next month to cut the grass.
Sheilas, you look for the ugly ones and hope she was a easy touch (take note David)
You never seem to get the grease from under you finger nails , so your hands were in your pants pocket, hoping she would not notice,as you left grease marks on her top..or back only went out once with them after their mothers found the grease marks..
So home again to your motorcycle, to find you had the ign timing on the wrong side of TDC.. mistake you made think about that ugly sheila you took to the local park..
O' well they were the day when motorcycle racer's were men!!
acotrel Posted - 16 Jan 2013 : 07:32:06 AM
Yes, I am just as guilty as the rest of you guys. I suggest it is important to be able to put comments into context. What appears on these forums, in magazines and on Youtube video clips can give a valuable insight for newcomers to our sport, as well as enthusiast/spectators. These days in road racing, we don't have any heros for the kids to worship. The other aspect is 'de-industrialisation'. Our classic racing is the only opportunity many of us have to run in a 'constructor's class', and even in that freedom is limited.I agree with the comments in this video:
Alan Posted - 15 Jan 2013 : 11:59:51 PM
Hmmmm wonder who "acotrel" is ?

Alan (real name) sidecar 21 WA
Patrick Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 7:11:57 PM
I was wrong - click on Doghouse Dave and all will be be revealed.
Sorry Mr Dixon!!
acotrel Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 09:48:10 AM
It is easy to tell who the leaders are in the sport of historic road racing. They use their real names when they post on forums.
It would probably be extremely productive if a newbie could read comments on this forum, then go to a meeting, find and talk to that person whose comments interest them.
On the CRMC forum they all know who they are talking to, and nobody ever gets smart or offensive without really good reason.
There is a major advantage in using real names, in that competitors and enthusiasts can follow racing careers by reading the forum ,and correlating the content with what appears in the magazines and on . It can only help our sport to grow.
Patrick Posted - 12 Jan 2013 : 8:41:17 PM
With a little thought I think that it must be David Dixon, races a lovely Pantha and has been the graphic artist of the posters for the Southern Classic & Victorian Historic Titles for the past ten years plus!
Top man and a very nice guy to talk with.
But I have been wrong before!
Thoughts anyone?
Best Patrick

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