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 help needed in figuring out pop's BSA model

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cameron Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 10:15:28 PM
ok, so i am trying to figure out what BSA my pop had when he was younger.

all i know for sure is that he said it was a red 500cc, overhead, and also i'm sure he said it was a single. He lived in victoria & sydney, didn't have a lot of money, and would of had it between 1943-1958, but he may have bought an older bike too.
Thats all he managed to remember before his passing recently.

so i figured with that information it would be one of these:

any help at all, or any idea's on how i could get it narrowed down would be greatly appreciated.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 20 Dec 2013 : 10:38:33 AM
Has MA got records and a data base ? When we buy a comp. licence they must spend the money somehow.
matcho mick Posted - 15 Dec 2013 : 5:32:53 PM
M33,B33 motor in the M20 rigid frame,they went into the later 50's too,would imagine they'd be maroon in colour too,maybe your dad was in a club,most were in those postwar days,worth checking,not sure if rego's dating back that far are accessable,check name against lists??,good luck,mick
Alan Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 8:03:13 PM
Hi, It wont be one of the Ms as they were mainly sidevalves or in the case of the M24 expensive. If red could be maroon then I would suggest it would have been a B33, otherwise cant help.I am mainly a 50s onwards but I am sure there are others more knowledgable. Google is a great help and there are sites that tell you just about everything you need to know.

Alan Sidecar 21 WA

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