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 Castrol 1000 re-enactment idea

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 28 Mar 2014 : 10:15:38 PM
Castrol 1000 superbike events
In 1970 The Willoughby Club promoted production racing and in 1971 the first Castrol 1000 took place with TV rights the lot.
Would there be interest to see if we could run a replica event which would consist of a race with "Production Bikes" representing the whole range of machines which took place in the original event.
I would expect no "racers " as we normally run would be involved. The actual race would be spirited competition since many of the machines may only have limited race prep, but enough to be safe. BMW900, Laverda, water bottles, Mach 3 from memory.
I have a copy of the history which was published recently by Jim Scarsbrook
I spoke with Dave P about the idea,once, and now I have thought more about how it may actually be run I am curious if anybody would like it to go ahead. Then we need to find track time etc.
So instead of putting the cart before the horse, I am asking for support, and then I can work on track time.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 6:00:15 PM
John, I think you would find classic endurance racing very interesting. I have a book on it and the bikes develop differently to normal road racers. They even had TZ750 Yamahas with radios fitted. It's often difficult to ride a road racer for long periods, so the bikes were set up more for a bit of comfort, and not with a sprint mentality. The book is titled 'World Motorcycle Endurance Racing'. It is by Osprey classic motorcycles, Mick Wernham and Mick Walker
ISBN 1-85532-434-2
acotrel Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 5:51:03 PM
Peggy Hyde said she is coming down from Townsville for the Bonanza. I don't know whether she will be getting on a bike. There is a hard lesson waiting there for all sexists.
matcho mick Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 4:38:01 PM
will be interesting to see the 6hour bikes at broadford for the bonanza the following weekend,maybe canvass them guys John,love to see an euro styled vintage endurance race at Phillip Island,4 hrs daylite,& 4 hours into the night be cool,think they still do it at spa in Belgium?,
john Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 12:01:44 PM
That latter idea is interesting, I would need to find track time. The Vic Historis Titles on 12/13 April 2014 at Broadford has 233 entires already, track time is hard to find.
But I will keep working on it.
acotrel Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 07:33:44 AM
One thing which has never been tried in Australia is European style endurance racing. If you set a cut-off date at 1992, ran two capacity classes concurrently (750cc and 1000cc), and placed no restrictions on development, you would have it. What you wouldn't have would be support from bike importers, however with the historic aspect that probably is not important. I've only ever seen one European endurance racer here, it is Scotty Webster's Moto Martin, however in Europe in the 70s they ended up running all sorts of interesting bikes and had a lot of fun. You could call it 'Classic Endurance Racing'.
acotrel Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 06:50:11 AM
I don't think it is a matter of canvassing interest, if this is done right it should be successful. Controlling the cheating was always a problem with the Castrol 6 Hour. You probably have a distinct choice between stringent control and open slather. Then if you choose the control path, the administrative costs can become a major factor. Have you looked for a potential sponsor ?

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