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 Racing Health Issues

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 25 Jul 2009 : 11:15:39 PM
The hmrav has a member who is writing some articles re men's health because we have had some die with heart and prostrate issues. It may be of interest to classic motorcycling members.
Bruce Kinnersley has survived Prostrate stuff and has agreed to submit articles for our newsletter on a regular basis.
I shall put them here as they come3 trough for all to read.
Thanks to David for creating this spot, it may help somebody
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 27 Jul 2009 : 4:04:06 PM
peen0_0 Posted - 27 Jul 2009 : 3:51:50 PM
John, can I just make one point, and yes, I know I'm a pedant, but the name is "PROSTATE". "PROSTRATE" is the position one gets into when having his "PROSTATE" checked. Sorry, but thirty years in the health sector has made me pedantic. Cheers, Tony.
john Posted - 27 Jul 2009 : 09:45:04 AM

Bruce Kinnersley has been actively working on Men’s Health issues for the past 10 years and has agreed to write some articles on ‘How to improve your lap times and extend the time between your major services’.
Let’s start with the prostate.
Your prostate is a walnut sized lump growing on the bottom of your bladder. It has a pipe through the middle of it from your bladder. This pipe runs down through your precious one to the outside.
What does it do? It provides some of the fluid necessary for your tadpoles to swim in which is released when you ejaculate. As you get older the gland grows slightly bigger in most men and can cause annoyance to some. It can swell outwardly and inwardly. If the latter, then the pipe (the urethra) will be restricted in its flow, making it hard to pee sometimes. If it closes right off you won’t be able to pee at all, and will need medical attention.
This is called BPH or Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (Enlargement).
The fix for this may be some medication, or a TURP, commonly known as a ‘reamout’. A very common procedure in men over 70.
Another problem less common is Prostatitis, which is an inflammation or infection of the prostate.
The most talked about problem is Prostate Cancer, which is a cancer that starts in the prostate gland and if left unattended, can spread to other parts of the body.
In another newsletter we will discuss Prostate Cancer and things you can do to look after your prostate.
In the meantime have a blood test called a PSA test AND please INSIST that your Doctor includes on the slip the Free PSA test as well. This is a newer test, which improves the accuracy of the PSA test.
If you have any questions please feel free to ring Bruce 0352783240 0417551255 or email or talk to him at a race meeting in the ‘Team Orange’ pit with the Terry Morris bikes.
Material printed here is intended as a prompt to benefit members and their families, and not a substitute for medical advice from your own practitioner.

Geoffpgrant Posted - 26 Jul 2009 : 10:11:42 PM
What a great idea. Well done!

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