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3130 Posts |
Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 09:58:51 AM
Some years ago I prepared a paper detailing a Festival of Sidecars, at the time sidecar numbers were low, but things have changed and I wonder if the time is right to present my paper. It involved, Road race, speedway, dirt track and classic motocross. Doug Flack mentioned something about thsi style of meeting at the Vic His. Titles, so thats why I have presented this concept.
The plan included the concept of getti8ng spectators to watch and help pay for it, scratch racing with heats and points score, handicapping etc to show case outfits. By having the other disciplines available and racing we could put on a greater show and have static displays after the racing.
I guess if we planned it for a long weekend, interstae people may be able to attend and I would expect we could give them a travelling allowance to get to the meeting.
Perhaps even a sidecar swap meet could ber planned as part of the deal if we had a long lead time, say 18 months to plan it.
The only way it would work would be to have each team invoilved in some way it promotion, organisation and implementation as I cannot imagine many solo riders being willing to set up such a specific meeting. I imagined teams would be obliged to sell tickets to spectators, place posters around town, find promotional funding for the Festival and not just themselves. Entry fees would be determioned but I would expect about $100, for one days activity with teams arriving on Saturday afternoon for scrutineering and a dinner Sat. night. We may even be able to fit in a come and try time scale. I would expect we can get oifficials readily, burt gate keepers, car parking etc would be a hard one, but necessary.
Some questions; 1 Would you support it, as a racer? 2 How could it be improved? 3 Where would we get promotional funding? 4 Would you help in some way to get the show happening?
Overall I would expect input from all who want to attend, otherwise the load will fall on a few, and that is simply not fair. PLEASE ADVISE YOUR THOUGHTS, POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS OR PREPAREDNES TO ASSIST John Daley
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Edited by - john on 14 Apr 2008 09:20:40 AM |
Forum Moderator
Western Australia

353 Posts |
Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 10:25:06 AM
John, Having been to the British Festival of Sidecars at Mallory Park I have to agree the concept is a good one and would like to be in a position to support it if you manage to get it off the ground. Some financial support for us interstaters would be appreciated and a long lead in time would also help. I know we in the West always make a bit of a deal in travelling but it is a long way and does cost money and time so given time to plan and organise may help. I dont know how we could help with promotion being remote makes it difficult but I am sure we would if we were able to, you could maybe suggest something to those interstate. Hope you are successful this time around.
Alan Sidecar 21 WA |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 12 Apr 2008 : 10:56:38 AM
I take it from the overwhelming non response that nobody cares about thsi potential event. If thats the case I shall stop waiting for support. Pity. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Level 2 Member

35 Posts |
Posted - 14 Apr 2008 : 09:12:27 AM
Sorry John appathy in a womderfull state sometimes ,i did not read the part about a reply, count me in dont know what i can do to help but i will help if given a job to do Doug |
batteling on in the face of shear adversary |
Level 3 Member
South Australia

204 Posts |
Posted - 16 Apr 2008 : 5:10:23 PM
It is not always apathy that plays a part though - sometimes it is just reality. Whilst I support the concept, I am a bit with Alan, travel is an issue. I already travel to ALL (NO, I don't get any races at home!!!) of the race meetings I attend so I already spend towards $10,000 a year just in travelling - the racing is on top of that. Subsequently, I would want something that offered more than a one day event to make it worthwhile. Also, a bit like Alan, I am not sure what promotion around the traps here would do. Spectators are not going to drive 1,000 kays to watch anything much (apart from maybe a GP or football - sad isn't it?). I can certainly promote it to the 6 or 7 people here who are into sidecars (now you can see why I don't get any race meetings at home!) So, bottom line is, great idea and I would love to think that we could make it work - but really it is going to be up to Vic and NSW to make it work and then a half dozen like myself and Alan might be able to get there. If you think I can do more - let me know - but keep in mind that I spend 50 - 60 hours per week at work, travel another 10+ hours per week to be able to do that, and then Barbara and I also run a shop which is open on weekends as well, and, I try to have some leisure time occasionally! Throw in being part of a family including being a grandparent and I am amazed that I get to any race meetings at all. No, this is not a sob story - just that bit of reality that I mentioned first up. Geoff Sidecar #30 |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 16 Apr 2008 : 7:59:22 PM
Thanks Geoff. There could be things prior to the event such as poster design, planning with regard to advertising, supp regs, promotional funds so interstate blokes can get assistance, so I feel anybody can help if they want. Maybe as support grows I can produce a list I use for my club and people can identify what they feel they can do. there is no reason why people from all over cannot work together via a web site to sort particular matters out. david Greening may set it up if we ask. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Edited by - john on 21 Apr 2008 8:30:05 PM |
Level 3 Member
South Australia

204 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2008 : 08:51:41 AM
Cheers John, As you know I am always willing to put my 2 cents worth in and will support where I can. Let's hope we can get something like this happening. Geoff Sidecar #30 |
Level 2 Member

26 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2008 : 7:25:01 PM
John, Peen and I would be very happy to help, I have not been online for some time hence just read this tonight. Considering what I do I am sure I could set aside many hours per week and have the Premier fund any organising I need to do, in the current climate I am sure I would enjoy using his phone etc. Just let me know what I and or Peen can do. We will be at Winton if you would like to talk about this. I agree with some assistance for the crews interstate, (We owe Allan #21 WA a couple of pots good chance to buy them for him) I imagin with a bit of lead time as indicated we could conjur something up.
Buck "The Pink Pig" Sidecar #20 |
There is a bear in there and a bundy as well.... |
Level 3 Member

224 Posts |
Posted - 22 Apr 2008 : 6:17:54 PM
Ummm, yeah, what Buck said. Seriously, I'm happy to help, and apologies for the tardy reply. Cheers, Peen. The "Pink Pig" No 20. |
Matt Morgan
Level 2 Member

89 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2008 : 4:42:01 PM
Please count me in John, especially with the organising side of things. |
Level 3 Member

224 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2008 : 10:42:54 AM
Matt, I reckon you'd have a gift at hand signals? You know, expressing approval, dissapproval, directional gestures, etc? We noticed your talent at the Vic Historics. Hehehehehe. Buck & Peen. "The Pink Pig" No 20. |
Matt Morgan
Level 2 Member

89 Posts |
Posted - 26 Apr 2008 : 4:09:05 PM
Wait til you're racing behind Chris Large or Toddy...... |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

17 Posts |
Posted - 02 May 2008 : 10:31:41 PM
John, this I believe is a very large event to be organized and many clubs/assoc need to be informed or included in the making of such an event. Best wishes Alison |
West Aust Sidecar Accord. Pre 75 of course.Is there any other! |
Edited by - VMX247 on 12 May 2008 11:28:06 AM |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

17 Posts |
Posted - 17 May 2008 : 9:02:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by VMX247
John, this I believe is a very large event to be organized and many clubs/assoc need to be informed or included in the making of such an event. Best wishes Alison
West Aust Sidecar Accord. Pre 75 of course.Is there any other! |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 17 May 2008 : 9:42:18 PM
As it gets moving I will keep people posted, but only those into sidecars. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

17 Posts |
Posted - 19 Apr 2009 : 9:29:57 PM
Yes sure thing John, we have 12 Dirt Sidecars now in the VMXWA club. They are all expected this Sunday 26th at the Dandaloo Scramble Track Narrogin,see you there cheers Alison 
West Aust Sidecar Accord. Pre 75 of course.Is there any other! |
Edited by - VMX247 on 19 Apr 2009 9:39:05 PM |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2011 : 8:26:31 PM
John Clancy spoke to me recently about actually doing something.
How do you think we can start? |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

17 Posts |
Posted - 17 Feb 2011 : 10:50:22 PM
A venue..I'm thinking Broadford Vic as it has all the tracks DT,Speedway,VMX,MX,Vinduro,Trials etc needed!! HBBB would be a good start to register interest of at least see who's attending etc !! |
West Aust Sidecar Accord. Pre 75 of course.Is there any other! |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 21 Feb 2011 : 8:54:55 PM
yep, lets see if anybody wants to help |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
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