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keith campbell
Level 3 Member


248 Posts

Posted - 31 Aug 2004 :  9:10:48 PM  Show Profile Send keith campbell a Private Message  

Will anyone explain the "rift"?
In the "golden era" there were "specials" built by individuals to compete in racing so why is there trepidation today?
WCM are doing it in Moto GP and as quoted in AMCN latest magazine are doing it "for the fun".
What is the problem here?
If you want to race and don't have a Manx or G50 should you be any less enthusiastic for having something different?
For Pete's sake,we are not racing for big dollars or anything,purely for the fun and enjoyment of it all aren't we?
The HMRAV run some of the greatest race meetings to be had for enthusiasts and this is what counts isn't it?

ENTHUSIASTS are what make the sport.

Advanced Member


2147 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2004 :  7:04:55 PM  Show Profile Send acotrel a Private Message  

Keith, I suggest there is a need to control what specials are accepted at meetings. Obviously anything like Allan Greening's Triumph, which actually existed 'back then', is a part of history and has valid claims. Bikes like Jawa engines in Norton Frames, probably didn't ever exist in the era, however there's a strong argument for allowing them to continue. Let's get real, what you race is probably the only affordable way to go racing Period 3, and have any chance of being competitive with the $40,000 Manx. So I suggest that eventually we have to come up with a formula for accepting or rejecting specials, and I really don't know what it would be.

Is your machine authentic or merely eligible?
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Former Member

174 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2004 :  03:47:59 AM  

If anyone could get their hands on these old bikes raced back when,Historic racing would much more successful than ever.
But lets face facts you guys most of these bikes will never see the light of day unless some miracal strikes them fair and square in the noggin,these bikes will be lost forever.
Pity it is already happening though.
If we dont allow specials to be built and raced to replace the ones we have lost we wont have anything to race.

Curiosity Question Keith?
At the 2004 Vic Hist Titles how many Period 1 bikes/solos entered same for Period 2,3,4 and 5?
Compare that to 2003,2002 and so on,I think youll find a strong case for "specials" to be built.
Yes they have to be regulated somewhat but we need em to replace whats been lost and we better start planning for the next period introduction too.

I suggest with the specials that it be called the "All Powers Engine"Class with different sub classes.
APE Class for short.
I can see the promo now "GO APE RACING"
Here goes-
Ultra Lightweight-up to 150cc
Lightweight-151cc to 250cc
Junior- 251cc to 500cc
Senior- 501cc to 850cc
Unlimited 851cc to 1300cc
Before you jump up and down and say what the hell!! Ive just finished work and its 3.30am!!!Im tired.
Basically U/L can enter Lightweight,but not Junior or above.
Lightweight can enter Junior but not Senior,see where Im going with that one.
This is done to enable more rides for all except Unlimited who will get an extra event to compensate.
These "Specials" should be allowed to run whatever they want in the engine with really only capacity limits and fuels being the common denominater.
This needs a lot of work but what are your thoughts?


Its not what you ride,Its how fast you ride it!!!

Edited by - n/a on 17 Sep 2004 03:54:48 AM
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