Bike Registry  
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Welcome to the Classic Motorcycling Australia Bike Registry.

All information supplied will not be given out to the general public should you specify not to make your information public. This does not include your address, e-mail address or phone numbers, as your address, e-mail address and phone numbers will remain private and the public will never see these items.

Please click here to add your listing: Bike Registry

Name: State: Active: Type: Forsale:
Alan CotterellVictoriaYesSoloYes
Neill PatonVictoriaYesSidecarNo
Bruce PederickVictoriaNoSoloNo
Bruce PederickVictoriaNoSoloNo
John DaleyVictoriaYesSidecarNo
John DaleyVictoriaYesSidecarNo
John DaleyVictoriaNoSidecarNo
Garry StubbsNorthern TerritoryNoSidecarNo
Jim GilbertNew South WalesYesSidecarNo
Alan CotterellVictoriaYesSoloNo
Gordon MannSouth AustraliaNoSoloYes
Keith HarrisVictoriaYesSoloYes
Chris WrightQueenslandNoSoloNo
Chris WrightQueenslandNoSoloNo
Chris WrightQueenslandNoSoloNo
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